To get ActionBarSherlock examples working in eclipse:
- Download ActionBarSherlock (ABS) .zip or .tar file and unpack it somewhere.
- First import the library project with: File → New Project → Android → Android project from existing code.
Select the "library" subfolder of ABS as root.
Tick "Copy projects into workspace" checkbox.
- Then import the samples project with the same steps above, using "samples/demos" subfolder as root.
- If you get "Call requires API level XX (current min is X)" errors:
- Go to Project Properties > Java Compiler. Use JDK 1.6.
- Ensure you're compiling both the library and your app with Android 4.0+
- Ensure you're targetSdkVersion is 14 or higher.
- Then, if there are some errors remaining:
- Right click on project -> Android tools -> Clear Lint Markers.