Gmail has added new emoticons or smileys, and you have now 1342 (as of 2009-07-25) faces, animals, objects and symbols to express your feelings by email, take a look at the complete list at the end of the post.
In order to use these, so called emojis, you have to activate the Extra Emojis feature, as follows:
- If you have used before google labs features in gmail, you will find a green icon on the upper part of the screen, click it to open labs settings; if you don't see the icon, then go to step 2.
- Go to gmail settings:
- Then to google labs settings:
- Scroll down to Extra Emoji and enable it:
- Don't forget to save the change you've just made:
- Then, when composing new messages, you will find the new emoticon categories next to the three original ones: